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Undergraduate Level

Literature and Language

Selections of Modern Taiwanese Literature, Classical Taiwanese Poetry, Modern Drama, Folk Literature, Holo Literature, Hakka Literature, Genders in Literature, Feminist Writing, Literature and Ideas of Nature, Travel Literature, Basic writing of Taiwanese languages (Taigi, hakka, aboriginal), Second Foreign Language Acquisition, Taiwanese adage study, Introduction to Linguistics, Taiwanese Phonology.

History, Culture, and Society

Taiwanese Literary History, Chinese Literary History, Japanese Literary History, Western Literary History, Figures in Taiwanese History, Introduction to Taiwanese Culture, Aboriginal Thoughts and Culture, Media Study, Documentary Films, Folk songs, Taigi Culture and Society, Hakka Culture and Society.

Theory and Critics

Basic Concepts of Cultural Studies, Introduction to Literary Theory, Introduction to feminism, Introduction to Post-colonialism, Media sociology.

Application and Practice

Computer Skills, Interview Skills and News Editing, Cultural Administration Management, Research Methodology, Critical Writing Workshop, Production of Taiwanese Language Teaching Materials, Production of Culture Teaching Materials, Documentary Film Making.


Graduate Level

Seminar in Taiwanese Literary History, Seminar in classical Taiwanese Literature, Seminar in Taigi Literature, Contemporary Literary Theory, Introduction to Cultural Studies, Modern Japanese History, Seminar in Classical Taiwanese Literature, Seminar in Colonialism and Taiwanese Literature, Seminar in Globalization and Cultural Studies, Historical Methodology, Research Methodology, Filed Search, Dissertation.

For courses offered in English or bilingual, please refer to the following page.

Applicants' guide to NCKU for International Degree Students

For detailed course information, please refer to the NCKU Course Information and Enrollment System: https://course.ncku.edu.tw/