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The Department of Taiwan Literature at National Cheng Kung University offers a wide range of admission categories and channels, each with different application deadlines. Prospective applicants should pay close attention to the deadlines. Generally, except for credit programs or specific announcements, admissions processes for other types are managed by the university's admissions office. All application processes are conducted through the university's online application system.

Below is a summary of admission for reference. The latest information is based on the current year's brochure provided by the NCKU Comprehensive Services Group for admissions information.



Announcement Date 

End of February of the current academic year

Application Date

Early April of the current academic year

Examination Items

Interviews 50%,Review50%


- PhD program admissions are not divided into groups; students' research areas may include Taiwan literature, language, culture, history, Southeast Asian, or Asian studies.

- International students are admitted independently.



Announcement Date 

Early September of the previous academic year

Application Date

Early October of the previous academic year

Examination Items

Interview: 50%, Review: 50%


- Starting from the fall 2021 admission cycle, it is divided into two groups: Group A: Taiwan Literature and Language; Group B: Taiwan and Southeast Asian Studies. Quotas may be adjusted according to admission circumstances.
- International students are admitted independently.

Written Exam

Announcement Date 

Early November of the previous academic year

Application Date

Early December of the previous academic year

Examination Items

1. "History of Taiwan Literature"

2. Choose one subject: "Literary Theory and Cultural Studies" / "Linguistics"

3. Choose one for literary text interpretation: (1) Mandarin, (2) Taiwanese, (3) Hakka

4. Choose one for foreign literature text interpretation: English / Japanese


- International students are admitted independently.